by Michael Tayler | Apr 10, 2020
We all know what it’s like to feel worried. The butterflies in our tummy before that big speech, or the tension we feel before a big exam, or that grand final. The experience of anxiety is our body’s way of preparing us to manage those difficult situations. Sometimes...
by Michael Tayler | Apr 10, 2020
It’s normal to feel sad, stressed, angry, or miserable, especially if we’ve gone through stressful times. This could be a relationship break-up, trouble with friends or family, changing schools or exam times. Depression is more than this. Depression is being stuck...
by Michael Tayler | Apr 10, 2020
Have you got a mate who’s just not themselves lately? Or a family member who seems angry or withdrawn? The best thing to do is trust your gut instinct that something is going on for them, and check in with them. You can check in by asking if they are ok, and...
by Michael Tayler | Apr 10, 2020
Remove the stigma New Zealanders have improved our attitude towards mental health issues over the past decade. But people with mental health issues still experience stigma and discrimination. Stigma is a negative stereotype. Stereotypes or negative attitudes that we...
by Michael Tayler | Apr 10, 2020
There’s no health without mental health Mental health is a state of mind. Everyone has mental health, just as we all have physical health. It’s an important part of our overall health and wellbeing. We have good mental health when we: have positive relationships, can...